Utah Conservatory – Additional Services
The perfect practice program is a great way to motivate students to practice. Students can earn tickets for a wide variety of fun prizes by logging their practice. Students are given 2 tickets upon registration and earn an additional ticket for every hour of recorded practice checked off by our staff. Also, students who visit the office during STUDENT APPRECIATION WEEK are rewarded 5 additional tickets.
As musicians, the best way to get better and improve is to perform. To facilitate this need, every month or so, Utah Conservatory provides the opportunity for students to perform in what we call the Outreach Program. These performances are community services to motivate the student. Typically, they are at retirement homes, hospitals, fundraisers, or other community events. Students can sign up on the bulletin board.
Every month or so, Utah Conservatory will hold a free Master Class for the students, where friend and relatives are welcome to observe. There are two types of Master Classes. The first, is the General Master Class which students share a musical selection, or simply share what they have learned. They perform and self evaluate their growing skills. The class is designed to create musicians by covering basics, such as performance, stage presence, and mastering one’s craft through positive thinking and evaluation. Other Master Classes or Specialty classes can vary. These classes are usually focused on a specific skill and presented by a teacher who is a specialist in that area. Just some examples of past master classes are: piano composition, suzuki violin, fingerpicking guitar, etc. Please note that all Master Classes are posted on the bulletin board and a student needs to sign up to attend. Refreshments are traditionally served following each master class.
Student Evaluations take place twice a year, typically a week or two before the recitals. Student Evaluations are much like college juries, where the student performs a piece in front of our faculty in that department. This allows students to be heard by other professionals and gives our staff an opportunity to do collaborative teaching, especially to explore ways to improve in areas possibly overlooked. It is also an opportunity to reinforce work that has improved, and to encourage the student in things that are being done right. High scores can also get students an “honorable mention” in the subsequent recitals. Evaluations are the perfect way to double check that a students is prepared and ready for a recital. Parents are encouraged to attend the evaluation for immediate feedback from the panel of teachers about the student’s progress and suggestions for continued study.
Student Recitals take place twice a year. Recital times open the day of evaluations. Recitals are a great way for students to grow as musicians, and for the family to enjoy the growing talents of the student. These events are just the thing a student needs to showcase their hard work throughout the semester. Traditionally, the Conservatory also offers a Holiday Recital in December and an outside Summer Pot-Luck Recital in August. Students may also schedule individual recitals in the Concervatory Recitsl Hall upon approval of their teacher and coordination with the administration.
Utah Conservatory offers music theory class, free of charge, to all current students. Please note the tuition for theory is $60/month for non-conservatory students. Students who wish to take advantage of this service simply need to sign up on the bulletin board, or by calling the office. Sign-up is done weekly, and attendance is done as students see fit from week to week.